openTransfer CAMP “New Green Munich”

Whether it´s climate change, new concepts of mobility, energy transition, inclusion or diversity or participative societies – if we want to continue living in livable cities, we have to force a trend reversal towards sustainability today. But how can we achieve this together, joining energies and expertise? The City of Munich wants to show how this could work in the upcoming years. In a digital barcamp we want to connect initiatives, develop ideas together and create a vision of how Munich could be, creating a blueprint for other cities in Germany and beyond.
+++ Click here for the German version. +++
A city can be two things at the same time: drivers of climate change and, if steered properly, buzzing idea labs for sustainable solutions. That’s why the EU Commission has set an ambitious and groundbreaking goal, with a new social contract, the „New Green Deal“. With this contract, Europe will be the first climate neutral continent in the world. The „New Green Deal“ is an action plan for a sustainable society, oriented towards the common good. Munich wants to function as a pioneer in implementing this plan.
Clearly, we can only reach this goal by working together. That’s why we want to bring different sectors and players together to co-create together for a shared vision, whether they are based in city or regional areas: Academia & Universities, Industry & Business, Civil society as well as state and governmental actors, the cultural and creative scene and innovative founders. But since there are already so many solutions and best practices out there, we need to create synergies and join efforts to take the European vision one step further. The openTransfer CAMP offers room for everyone who wants to share, connect and exchange ideas. Munich´s second mayor, Katrin Habenschaden, has taken over the patronage for the openTransfer Barcamp.
Who should join the openTransfer Barcamp?
Everyone who wants to make our society more sustainable, more inclusive, diverse and value driven is invited. Engaged citizens, innovators, practicians and decision makers from all over Germany – and beyond. Together we want to connect ideas, plans, projects, business models, cultural offers, technical solutions or political visions to creatively and collaboratively make our cities more future-proof.
If you want to shape the future of our cities you have found a great place to start with at our openTransfer CAMP. Let’s make this event a preview for something even bigger.
How does a barcamp work?
An openTransfer CAMP is a conference without a set agenda and lecturers. It´s quite the opposite: you can bring in your own questions, challenges and expertise – and share it with everyone else. Everyone can offer a 45 min. session to a topic of their choice. The best ideas will come together in our future lab.

For example, you could address the following questions at the barcamp:
How can we…
… make our living space more affordable and accessible?
… enable participation for all?
… shape the energy transition in a smart and creative way?
… enable sustainable living in Munich, Europe and worldwide?
… organize mobility in such a way that it produces no noise and no pollutants?
… significantly reduce our consumption of resources?
… achieve a different quality of life?
Time: 6th of July 2021, 1 – 5:30 pm (CEST)
Location: Munich & digital (ZOOM)
Hashtag: #otc21
+++ Please note that this event will be in German. You can however submit and give your sessions in English as well. +++
This is an event brought to you by:
Stiftung Bürgermut together with Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, M:UniverCity, Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship (SCE), Technische Universität München, UnternehmerTUM und Munich Urban Colab
Click here for more information on who is organizing the event.